How to Open Portuguese Egg Tart Shop

How to open a Portuguese egg tart shop?
1. For a person without experience in the restaurant, he should know where should begin to prepare, and how to undestand the operation process and theory. Because the Portuguese-style egg tart is the European and American countries, food and beverage collectively, categories and national tastes a lot of systematic learning faster. To be very familiar with the case, is the need for long-term learning. (Very complex, the various categories of knowledge there are many, it is difficult to learn the whole). 
2. Consider about County house prices, and how large house need to be rent?
3. Prepare the necessary tart making equipment. Tart shell usually made by professional tart shell making machine, this machine can make large tart shells quickly, tart shape can be cautomized, it is very convenient for tart shops business.

4. Pay more attention to decoration of tart shops:
Now the restaurant, especially the fast-food restaurant is very focused on decoration, because it can create more comfortable, clean environment for guests consumption.

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