How to Operate the Wafer Cone Making Machine?

May a lot of customers considering the problems such as how to operate it when buying machine, so here I am to share how to use the
wafer cone machine.
1, the machine flat on table level, must not tilt;
2, turn on the electrical source and set the temperature of the upper die and lower die, and then wait for temperature rise;
3, after the temperature rise, the upper die to pull up, lower die closed;
4, pour into pulp, and then the upper die and lower die closed, bake for one to two minutes later, the cone shape can be formed;
5, pull upper die, lower die open, wafer cones automatically fall into the following channels and sliding out;
6, repeat the above process, it can be a continuous work, not need working, in a timely manner to clean up and down mold, keep the machine clean, then unplug the power supply.
If you buy the wafer cone making machine, don’t worry about it, the operation is very easy.